another publication by IMAGE asia

Amari Phuket Welcomes Australian Residents On Australia Day Celebration

Amari Phuket
February 2017
Amari Phuket Welcomes Australian Residents On Australia Day Celebration

From left to right: Wootikrai Jitsmark (Australia Consular and Passport Manager, Phuket), Ariane Sainsbury (Australia Event Manager, Phuket), Craig Ferguson (Australia Consul-General to Phuket), Phee Chayakul (Australia Consular and Passport Officer, Phuket) and Pierre-Andre Pelletier (Vice President and Area General Manager, South Thailand)

Phuket, 28 February 2017 – Amari Phuket representative, Pierre-Andre Pelletier, Vice President and Area General Manager, South Thailand (right), recently gave a warm welcome to Craig Ferguson, the Australian Consulate-General to Phuket (middle) and his team at a special event to celebrate Australia Day. Many Australian residents in Phuket participated in the event and had the opportunity to meet with the members of the Phuket governor’s office and share their views and experiences of living in Phuket.

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