another publication by IMAGE asia

Consulates in Phuket

Consulates in Phuket

There are consulates located in Phuket where visitors and expats can obtain assistance from their government. Further down is a list of some embassies located in Bangkok.

Australia +66 7631 7700 [email protected]
Austria +66 7624 8334-6 [email protected]
Czech Republic +66 7624 9400
ext 1501, 3330
[email protected]
Denmark +66 7637 8365 [email protected]
Finland +66 7633 0530-4 [email protected]
France +66 7627 3511 [email protected]
Germany +66 7661 0407 [email protected]
Ireland +66 7628 1273,
+66 7638 4342
[email protected]
Italy +66 86 689 6819 [email protected]
Korea +66 7623 4452, 
+66 7623 4384
[email protected]
Netherlands +66 7630 4096-7 [email protected]
Norway +66 7623 7156 [email protected]
Poland +66 7629 2807-5 [email protected]
Russia +66 7628 4767 [email protected]
Sweden +66 7638 0000 [email protected]
United Kingdom +66 7631 8188,
+66 85 489 0106
[email protected]

Embassies in Bangkok:

Belgium +66 2679 5454
Canada +66 2636 0540
France +66 2657 5100
Indonesia +66 2258 0300-5
Japan +66 2696 3000, 
+66 2207 8500
Malaysia +66 2679 2190-9
Myanmar +66 2234 0278,
+66 2234 4789, 
+66 2233 2237
New Zealand +66 2254 2530
South Africa +66 2659 2900
USA +66 2205 4000
Singapore +66 2286 2111
Switzerland +66 2253 0156-60
Consulates of the Republic Korea in Phuket
