Bangkok / Boat Lagoon
Legal / Law Are you, like most humans, a liar, a cheat, dishonest, biased, prejudiced and snobby?
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Legal / Law The human race comprises good and bad, but overall humans have proven time and
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Legal / Law After one of the most difficult years in recent history for many, reflection on how states,
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Legal / Law Information is one of the most valuable and dangerous resources
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Legal / Law Guidance on protecting your small/medium Thai business during an extended COVID-19 pandemic. As we enter into the 10th month from the time the first case of COVID-19 (which at the...
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Legal / Law The law can be a deceptive illusory concept for innocent businesspeople who are not immersed in legal interpretation on a daily basis. Many businesspeople will rely upon legal advisers to...
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Legal / Law COVID19 has provided an amplified reflection of the weaknesses in state and private sectors throughout the globe. It has also allowed some, perhaps temporary but hopefully long-term, recognition of persons...
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Legal / Law Law is supposed to be a servant to the master of the needs of society. The shape of law is formed nationally and internationally in patterns that reflect politics, economics,...
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Legal / Law Yes, Most likely......a short-term rental of your villa counts as a commercial use. It probably doesn’t matter if you “own” your villa building on a property you have leased in...
READ MORE...Legal / Law Globalisation has advanced significantly at an ever faster pace. However, this is now being challenged through issues such as trade tariff ‘wars’, states seeking control over data and technology by...