Ladies will go to endless pains and spend huge amounts of cash to look chic and appealing. Whilst shopping for clothes is an exquisitely enjoyable activity in its own right, it's not just how much of your own money, or preferably someone else's, which you spend that is important. Whether you're out to ensnare some helpless male, or you just want to look your best for a perambulation round the mall on Sunday afternoon, there are some tricks of the trade which should know.
Now this might hurt - the truth often does, I'm afraid, but the first thing to do, is to take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror; or better still, have a friend take a dozen photographs of you from different angles and study them dispassionately. Are you plump (now come on, be honest), skinny,or just average? Are you a little lacking anywhere or has nature been over-generous in some places? Of course, maybe you're drop dead beautiful (it's not that rare in the Land of Smiles) in which case you can skip the next couple of paragraphs, and go straight to theFeminine Chic - Shopping in Phuket fashion shops we tell you about.
If you're plump then wear outfits which hav vertical stripes, they're slimming. Avoid pleats, full skirts and fussy, frilly add-ons. Stick to darker colours. If on the other hand, you're skinny, don't try to hide it with baggy, over-sized dresses - it just makes things worse. Go for horizontal stripes, light, pastel shades and big flower patterns. Don't overdo the heels.
If you've a dark skin, then
you should avoid sharp, primary colours like orange and red. They'll make you seem darker. They look wonderful if you have a pale skin.
Sexy outfits look great if you have the confidence and posture to carry it off. If you're shy, stick to a style which will match your personality.
One general point: Thailand is a hot country so all other things being equal, you'll feel cooler in white or lighter colours.
OK, let's go shopping.
Shopping gurus
If you're looking for reasonably priced oufits and accessories in the latest styles, you should pay a visit to the Cherry Pink Shop in Ocean Shopping Mall, Phuket Town. According to Khun Klunjai Suwantaroj(or Fon), the owner, the Korean look is 'hot' at the moment - flowered or dotty patterned t-shirts, outrageously bright shorts and bold, patterned tops. Here, you'll find outfits which have been featured in the top Thai fashion mags like Cheeze, Ice and Knockknock. All the stock is changed every week so they're always bang up-to-date. Cherry Pink is open every day.
If you're serious about being extravagant then pay a visit to Chaco on Yaowarat Road, a few minute's walk from the fountain roundabout next to the fresh market in Phuket Town. Chaco is run by Khun Nattinee Srilatharn who is a qualified designer. All the garments in this boutique style showcase are designed and hand-crafted and inevitably this makes them more expensive. But they're ideal for every occasion. What are you waiting for?